Strengthen and Stretch Sessions can be a mix of whatever you need as a client but will always end with Myo-fascial Stretching and ELDOA™

Myo-fascial Stretching can be the sole focus for a session. With MFS, the goal is not to gain flexibility of a muscle, but to improve the quality of the movement of the tissues in relation to one another. Fascia, a connective tissue of the body, is largely composed of water and arranged in microscopic tubules continuous upon themselves as one organ or chain. In MFS, a muscle is viewed as a link in this chain. Each stretching posture creates tension in a particular muscle in order to more fully create space within that muscle and consequently the entire fascial chain. MFS not only improves the quality of movement in your muscles but also improves your overall sense of wellbeing to leave you feeling more free, and with more mobility to do the activities you love.

The ELDOA™ are postural exercises (LOADS-Longitudinal Osteoarticular Decoaptation Stretches) that you can do with the primary goal being to increase the space within a chosen articulation of the spine. ELDOA counteract compression and blocks in the spine by creating space in a specific spinal, functional unit using MFS. As the ELDOAs create space, there is an improvement in the overall well-being of the spine and of the body. Pain is reduced, blood flow is increased, muscle tone is improved and awareness of the body is made better. 

PILATES, developed by Joseph Pilates, looks to strengthen the core through a series of mat and apparatus exercises in order to improve the mobility and longevity of the spine. You can expect to gain stability, mobility, strength and stamina through this method of Contrology- as it was first named.

StrongFirst KETTLEBELLS, StrongFirst is the school of strength founded by Pavel Tsatsouline. His method incorporates moving through of system of movements using iron balls of weight. It aims to increase endurance, strength, posture, and resilience in the body.

TRX® and FEET-NESS can be incorporated in some sessions if we determine that they will help you to accomplish your goal of creating more range and motion in the body. TRX is a form of body weight-resistance training that has the potential to not only create strength in the upper and lower limbs but to also burn fat and improve heart health. FEET-NESS uses the Rescue Loop to release tension and improve the range of motion in your feet.

Inside a session.

Sessions are 1 hour in length and can vary in solely focusing on strength or stretch.


The first few minutes we take the time to see how the body is doing. This will inform the focus for our session that day.



We jump in with strength exercises and general spinal postures to wake up the spine with Pilates, TRX or Kettlebells.



With the body warm, we will work towards your goals of improving range, releasing tension, and relieving pain.



Warming down the body is key. We will do MFS or ELDOA postures to solidify the work we have done in the last hour.
